Литовският национал Матиюс Ремейкис направи първа тренировка с Ботев Пловдив, съобщиха от клуба.

Полузащитникът бе привлечен от Паневежис още през зимата, но остана в бившия си клуб до юни.

Ремейкис и Фаустас Степонавичюс взеха участие в приятелските мачове на младежката формация на Литва в началото на месеца.


  1. Botev P❤️div 2024
    Beauty Faith and Struggle

    Get together yellow/blacks!
    Fly with pride your yellow flags!
    We are Botev P❤️div team
    We are Beauty, Faith and Dream!
    Keep on fighting Bultras boys!
    Keep on ruling Ultras Choice!
    We have raised from the tomb
    We are mighty as a bomb!
    Our Fortress is the “College”
    We Will defend, with bravery and courage!
    We have lay the “corner stone”
    On the “walls of Babylon”!!
    As the mighty God of light Apollo,
    We Lit the path, the rest to follow.
    We held the torch up in the air
    And led the way without a fear!
    So, stay united yellow/blacks!
    Fly with pride your yellow flags!
    BOTEV P❤️DIV is Religion
    We have made the right decision!
    Our motto – Beauty Faith and Struggle!
    We don’t tolerate a haggle!
    Freedom, brotherhood unites
    Hristo Botev Never dies!
    Those who fell for our Freedom.
    We remember and will need-’em
    Hristo Botev lives forever!
    He is our Endeavour!

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